Tuesday, March 27, 2007

He Wakens Me

“He wakens me morning by morning,
wakens my ear to listen like one being taught” (Isa. 50:4).

This week, during your prayer time, consider that you are there at His invitation. He has invited you to spend time alone with Him because He has something beneficial to teach you and say to you. Consider how that changes the atmosphere of your prayer time. Write your observations in your journal.

Jennifer Kennedy Dean
The Praying Life Foundation

1 comment:

Mark Lowenstein said...

I had a dream (or a vision) last night, Den, and it woke me up. If you think I'm crazy, then I say I'm a "Jesus Freak and proud of it!".. I saw an brother in Christ who simply disappeared from the family at Fairfax in my dream and he looks huge. But he had an arrogant attitude. I simply told him that we love him but cannot accept what he is doing. It was at 4:30 this morning (Wednesday).. He has never been in my dreams before until now so will email him and say Hi!! So this is a perfect verse in what had happened to me!