Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Does It Matter?

After surveying Jesus' practice of prayer, I realize that that his example does answer one important question about prayer: Does it matter? When doubts creep in and I wonder whether prayer is a sanctified form of talking to myself, I remind myself that the Son of God, who had spoken worlds into being and sustains all that exists, felt a compelling need to pray. He prayed as if it made a difference, as if the time he devoted to prayer mattered every bit as much as the time he devoted to caring for people.

-Philip Yancey in PRAYER Does It Make Any Difference

1 comment:

Kewl Nitrox said...

Thanks for that. Sometimes it's hard to remember that prayer matters. The world seems to keep on turning whether we pray or not. But on a personal level, I have noticed that my life gets totally "screwed" when I lag behind in prayer. We simply cannot afford not to pray!

To me, prayer is God's wonderful gift to us - to get us connected to His will and His works. It is a wonderful gesture of love from our Maker to involve us in His will and works.