The Greatest Answer to Prayer?
"Does any of you have a son? What would you do if your son
asked you for a fish? Would any father give his son a snake?
No! You would give him a fish. Or, if your son asks for an
egg, would you give him a scorpion? No! {You are like all
other people}--you are evil. But you know how to give good
things to your children. So surely your heavenly Father knows
how to give the Holy Spirit to those people that ask him."
-- Luke 11:11-13 (ERV)
What's the greatest answer to our prayers? The gift of God's cleansing,
justifying, sanctifying, saving, empowering, and indwelling Holy
Spirit! If fathers know how to give good gifts, don't you think the
Father will give us and empower us with his Holy Spirit? So let's ask,
expect, and receive this greatest of gifts.
Father, I know when I was saved you cleansed me by your Holy Spirit and
that you came to live in me and make my body your temple through your
Holy Spirit. Now I ask that the Spirit's presence and power be more
real to me, not just to sense your presence but so that I can be like
Christ in every way. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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