Saturday, August 12, 2006

Let Him Go

After Jesus said this he called in a loud voice, "Lazarus,
come out!" The dead man (Lazarus) came out. His hands and
feet were wrapped with pieces of cloth. He had a handkerchief
covering his face. Jesus said to the people, "Take the cloth
off of him and let him go." John 11:43-4

I love Jesus' words, "Unwrap him and let him go!" Death cannot bind him
anymore, so don't let his grave clothes bind him either! Think of the
power of this statement! One day, Jesus will speak our name, call us to
himself, and forbid death to bind us. Lazarus is the great example of
what we anticipate -- receiving back those who have died and gone
before us and receiving our call to be set free from the demands of a
mortal body. Lazarus is the great reminder that we are free from the
power of death to hold us captive!

Lord God Almighty, the Father of all that lives, thank you for giving
us back what we throw away with sin. Thank you for the assurance that I
will be united with those that I love who have died in faith. Thank you
for the assurance that death cannot hold me captive. In Jesus' mighty
name I pray.


1 comment:

Mark Lowenstein said...


The Lazarus Story happens to be my, yet another, favorite story in the Bible! In the movie, Jesus Of Nazareth, the camera aimed at Jesus (the actor) with the sun behind him. Jesus was looking down at the tomb. He prayed to His Father and asked Him to show His power to the people around Him by raising Lazarus from the dead.

This scene brought chills to my spine. It was as if I was actually there to witness the power of God at work. I love and still love this scene! :) Thanks for the reminder, Den.