Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Body

As they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread and asked God's blessing on it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, "Take it, for this is my body."
Mark 14:22

For Jesus and his followers, bread was the "staff of life" -- the essence of food and nourishment to people in Jesus' culture in Jesus' day. Jesus had already taught his closest followers that he was the bread of life. (John 6) Now, Jesus was providing these followers with a
way to remember him, his life-giving place in their lives, and the sacrifice he was about to make for them. In addition, he was providing his followers with a way of understanding their role in the world -- they were to be his bodily presence.

When we take of the Lord's Supper on Sunday like the early followers of Jesus did, we do so to remember him and to commit to keep his ministry to the world alive as we pledge to be his Body. We must never take this meal for granted.


Thank you for leaving us a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice, hislife-giving grace, and our responsibility to keep his memory andministry alive as his Body, the Church. In Jesus name we remembered,


1 comment:

Mark Lowenstein said...

Missing this precious meal on Sunday is like skipping a week's worth of food!! The communion helps us forget the past week's ignorance and irresponsibilities and look forward to a better week after remembering Christ, our Lord!

Thanks for reminding us of "His Body" which was given to us for the forgiveness of our sins!